This year's Tokyo Game Show ran from September 15 until September 18, and it featured several exciting revelations from Japanese developers. Capcom had a notable presence, with Resident Evil, Exoprimal, and Street Fighter appearing. Bandai Namco was also around to give news on Tekken. Developers from around the world also got a bit of the spotlight, including Arkane Studios, which revealed Deathloop's update.
The Tokyo Game Show is one of the largest video game exhibitions in Asia, and it attracts eyes from all over the world due to the big announcements and reveals that occur at the annual event. In 2020 and 2021, the event had to go virtual due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, but this year it finally returned to an in-person show. The show did a good job illustrating all the exciting titles that players can look forward to from Eastern markets.
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Capcom had a few games featured at the Tokyo Game Show, including Street Fighter 6. Gamers have already been treated to snippets of the upcoming game, allowing them to see some characters they can expect, such as Juri and Kimberly. The full day one roster was revealed, and it will contain classics such as Ryu and Chun-Li, as well as new faces. Players can go to Street Fighter 6's official site to sign up for the open beta that will take place from October 7-10 on PC and current-generation consoles.
The studio also has the upcoming third-person shooter, Exoprimal, which will have gamers fighting against hordes of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. The game received a new trailer at the show, and it let fans know that it will be quite an action-packed title. It is expected to release in 2023 on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.