When Untitled Goose Game debuted back in 2019, its quirky charms quickly made it an internet sensation and put its developer, House House, on the map as an indie developer. Many were eagerly awaiting the studio’s next game at first, but that seemed to have more or less died down after a couple years of silence. However, the excitement is now back in full force thanks to the surprise announcement of Big Walk, House House’s next game!
The trailer released during The Game Awards 2023 certainly made Big Walk look like it’s going to be pleasant co-op fun, but what exactly players will be doing isn’t immediately apparent just from watching it. It seems though, that Big Walk is all about hanging out with one’s friends and working together to explore the environment and solve the puzzles it presents.
Communication also seems to be a big focus for the game, as both voice chat and non-verbal means of communication are highlighted in the trailer. Perhaps this means players will get to enjoy some real collaborative gameplay in the same vein as It Takes Two or Portal 2, albiet in a context that’s unburdened by a smug talking book or a judgemental potato. Regardless of the details though, House House proved that it knows how to give players a fun time, so fans likely have a lot to look forward to when Big Walk launches in 2025 for PC via Steam and Epic Game Store.
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