The iPhone 16 will not be here till the second half of 2024, but the leaks and rumors around the Apple smartphone keep emerging. Earlier, it was revealed that both the iPhone 16 Pro models may get the tetraprism lens, which adds the 5X zoom capability to the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Now, a new report claims that the entire iPhone 16 lineup may feature a chipset from the same A18 family. If true, this upgrade would mean a significant upgrade for the non-Pro models as they will make the shift to the 3nm processor and will skip a generation to directly get to A18.
The information comes from Wccftech, which quotes Apple analyst Jeff Pu. He noted in his research note with Haitong International Securities this week that the non-Pro iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus will be equipped with the A18 Bionic chipset. At the same time, the iPhone 16 Pro and the iPhone 16 Pro Max will get the A16 Pro chipset. It was also said that the entire A18-series processor will be 3nm, which was first introduced in this year's iPhone 15 Pro models.
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In the past, Apple had gone with the same processor for the entire iPhone lineup. The difference between its lineup was first created with the iPhone 14 series, where the non-Pro models received a boosted version of the A15 Bionic chipset. The distinction continued in 2023 as this year was the first time Apple let go of the Bionic nomenclature for its iPhone processor and introduced the A17 Pro, a 3nm chipset created using a new manufacturing process called N3B and bringing a massive performance boost to the Pro models.
But if this leak is to be believed, Apple is going to bring parity back to all of its smartphone models. One of the possible reasons for this could be the