Every month, Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) releases new Royale Passes and gaming updates for players to experience new themes, events, rewards, and much more. The game recently rolled out the A4 Royale Pass giving players a hint about the 3.0 update. However, we are still away from the official release date as Krafton has just started teasing the BGMI 3.0 update podcast which will reveal what's new coming the game. Check details about the BGMI 3.0 update, themes, podcast, features and more below.
With every new update, BGMI releases a new podcast featuring all the top players of the game where they discuss what is coming to the update. Therefore, the BGMI 3.0 update podcast will feature all the in-depth details about what is coming including themes, new features, events, exclusive crates and more. This gives BGMI players an idea about the new update which will also keep the excitement rising.
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BGMI shared a short video post on their official Instagram handle, where they started teasing the 3.0 update podcast. According to a Sportskeeda report, the BGMI 3.0 update is expected to be released on January 25, 2024, in India. First, it will be launched in Android and later in iOS. According to reports, the 3.0 update is expected to feature a Shadow Force theme that will give players a new respawn way for them to come alive once again. Additionally, we may also see a new Arctic Base map, high-pressure air rifles, snowy weather, and more.
As of now, the above-mentioned details about the 3.0 update are based on rumours and BGMI will be revealing all the detailed information soon from their official social media handles. Therefore, we will have to wait, but in a few days, we will be getting all the details about the 3.0 update.
Till then explore the new A4 Royale Pass and win exclusive rewards such as Beary Fluffy set, New emote, Panthera Prime Plane skin, Neuro Dynamo Helmet skin, Jetstream Shark- QBU skin, Icy Reindeer, Panthera
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