What are the best PS3 games? The PS3 proved to be Sony's awkward middle child, but when all is said and done, its tremendous recovery landed it in the hearts of PlayStation fans as much as its siblings. Launching on 17th November, 2006 in North America and on 23rd March, 2007 in Europe, it was an enormously ambitious console at the time, and it was this pushing of the envelope that led to its early struggles.
Yes, PlayStation 3's faults and missteps have been well documented by now. Its shaky start began before customers had even purchased the console, as they were faced with a premium price tag of $599.99 / £424.99 for the 60GB model. The high cost ultimately came down to a complex (and thus expensive) hardware makeup; PS3 attempted to innovate with the implementation of the Cell processor, a complicated CPU that, in theory, would allow for highly detailed visuals in the console's games. This, in conjunction with the new Blu-ray disc drive, built-in hard drive, and other bells and whistles, meant PS3 was significantly more expensive than its direct competition.
It also meant development was a pain in the arse. PS3's system architecture was so convoluted compared to the Xbox 360 that many multiplatform games were inferior on Sony's console, despite the potential of its fancy Cell processor. A lot of games skipped the PS3 entirely, or released in a very sorry state. It wasn't a very good look, especially when coupled with that eye-watering price point — and, we mustn't forget the PS2, which was still enormously popular.
The thing is, a selection of launch games all sold the high-definition dream wonderfully. The PS3 launched with several super-impressive first-party titles, like MotorStorm and Resistance: Fall of Man, as
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