Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is a magical mix of horror and mysticism, directed by none other than the mastermind behind the original Spider-Man trilogy, Sam Raimi. After Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) opened the metaphysical door to gruesome creatures and powerful forces alike thanks to his actions in Spider-Man: No Way Home, those problems are coming home to roost in his solo sequel.
Thankfully, he has trusted advisor and current Sorcerer Supreme Wong (Benedict Wong) by his side, albeit somewhat begrudgingly. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness also has the honor of introducing a new ally to the fold: America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez), a teenager whose incredible powers are sure to come in handy over the course of the film. Not only that, but Wanda Maixmoff (Elizabeth Olsen) also has a large role to play in the proceedings after her time in WandaVision.
Related: The MCU Shows Why Doctor Strange Isn’t Iron Man’s True Replacement
Screen Rant spoke to Wong and Gomez about working with director Sam Raimi, and what is in store for their characters in the new MCU film.
Screen Rant: We are in The Multiverse of Madness. Oh, teach me a hand trick! [They both demonstrate.] That's it?
Benedict Wong: Yeah, I watch Kate Bush a lot.
Xochitl, welcome to the MCU. How do you describe the feeling?
Xochitl Gomez: Okay, the feeling is a little overwhelming. You can't dismiss that. But it's very exciting, and you've got Benny Wong here. Wonderful partner to have.
Benedict Wong: It's amazing, isn't it? She was 14 at the time. Just turned 16.
I just turned 16. Isn't that crazy?
Benedict Wong: I mean, to have that level of pressure of filming something so big like this? Full credit to you.
Xochitl Gomez: It was