As readers prepare to explore Neo-Gotham in various upcoming series from DC Comics, Batman Beyond: Neo-Year sets up a brave new world for the Batman of the future, Terry McGinnis. Terry reels from the death of his mentor, Bruce Wayne, and must now assume the mantle of Batman without Bruce’s sage advice to steer him. While the death of his second father figure may be crushing to Terry now, McGinnis and readers will soon realize that the death of the original Batman is a painful, but necessary step to free McGinnis as the Batman of the future.
Batman Beyond: Neo-Year is an upcoming comic series by Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Max Dunbar follows Terry McGinnis, the Batman of Neo-Gotham in his first year following the death of his mentor and original Batman, Bruce Wayne. After Bruce Wayne dies at the hand of a malevolent, citywide artificial intelligence known as the Living Gotham, Terry is left alone to wage a one-man war on Gotham’s criminals, and a city-spanning super intelligence determined on hunting him down. In a recent interview for DC Nation, Kelly and Lanzing speak more about what readers can expect for Terry McGinnis in his first year without Bruce by his side.
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One of the biggest points Lanzing mentions in the interview is how isolated Terry now finds himself. Without his mentor, and having told most of his allies to leave Gotham or go underground for their own safety, Terry finds himself in a position as precarious as Bruce did back in his first year. Terry would need Bruce’s advice more than ever, but now he’s robbed of that opportunity. As Lanzing himself puts it: “It’s easily the darkest moment in Terry’s life thus far – But Batman