While Batman Beyond has found a thriving new home in the medium of comics, the original TV show was a pioneering triumph in storytelling for the Batman mythos. As the show’s stories covered many themes and futuristic concepts like addiction, mega-corporations, and the proliferation of advanced technologies, the Batman of Neo-Gotham faced a grim future riddled with foes. These ideas and concepts cemented the tone of Neo-Gotham, and of Terry McGinnis’ Batman. Sadly for McGinnis though, the show’s most chilling concept promises to make a return in the upcoming Neo-Year.
Batman Beyond: Neo-Year is an upcoming comic series by Colin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, and Max Dunbar. In Neo-Year, Terry McGinnis faces his first year as Batman following the death of Bruce Wayne, who gave Terry the mantle and trained him to be Batman. After Bruce is killed by an artificial super-intelligence calling itself the Living Gotham, Terry must now protect Neo-Gotham from the nascent threat, as well as the regular rogues who plague the Gotham of the dark future. Without Bruce’s help, Terry must now face an enemy with control over the city’s technology, and countless ways to harm its citizens.
Related: Terry McGinnis Will Be Half Asian in Batman: Beyond The White Knight
Though the situation is dire, this isn’t entirely new to Terry McGinnis. In the Batman Beyond TV Series’ episode Lost Soul, an AI similarly wreaks havoc on Gotham. The A.I. is Robert Vance, a computer tycoon who had his mind digitized near the end of his life to serve as an advisor for executives at the company he built. After many years of mismanagement, Vance is awakened by his grandson who runs the company. At first, Vance does focus on improving the company’s financial position,
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