Thank your own personal deity—possibly Numen, not to be confused with Newman—it's Friday! Let's put this week out of its misery with some cheap games worth spending your next two days with. Personally, I'd gravitate to Ori: The Collection, Hollow Knight, Untitled Goose Game, and a sub-five-buck Brütal Legend. Why the latter? Because it is the greatest and best game in the world ...tribute.
In retro news, the system-selling Rogue Squadron turns 26 today, and I absolutely smashed at launch. Being one of the first titles to utilise the Expansion Pak, which added a whopping 4MB of extra RAM (!!!), it delivered a star war far, far, and away better than the previous N64 title holder, Shadows of the Empire. It's also been 28 years since Square released Tobal No. 1, a cult-hit 3D fighter featuring a robot who could un-life himself by flicking his own switch off. I still couldn't tell you what for.
This Day in Gaming