The Assassin’s Creed franchise has been around for ages, and over the years, the developers touched on various historical eras. We’ve followed iconic characters overcome great odds in different parts of the world, whether it was during the Golden Age of Piracy in the 1700s, the 18th-century Colonial America, or the more recent Viking expansions into the British Isles. Now we are preparing to embark on another grand journey, one set during the 9th-century Baghdad with the upcoming release of Assassin’s Creed Mirage.
If you’re looking to embark on that next adventure, there is one thing you can still expect. The development team at Ubisoft strived to deliver a faithful and historical representation of Baghdad. A new blog post from Ubisoft further expands on the experiments that lend their hand in helping the development team craft the game. Everything from the setting to items you’ll find in the game will accurately represent the culture. You’ll even find further breakdowns of certain items and historical locations within the codex. This codex will even supply more detailed imagery to illuminate the history of Bagdad further.
More specifically, it looks like there are five topics that the development team wanted to ensure they were represented in the game. Those topics are economy, belief & daily life, government, art & science, and court life. Likewise, those areas will hopefully add a thrilling experience in terms of gameplay and provide a more educational experience as you progress through the campaign narrative. It’s worth mentioning that this installment is looking to return more toward the franchise’s roots. So we are trading away the more open-world experiences and RPG for a stealth-based and linear campaign.