Google has launched Android 16 Developer Preview 2 for compatible devices, following the initial release of Developer Preview 1 in November. The preview is available for the Pixel 6 series and the latest Pixel 9 series. Notably, this launch comes just a month after Android 16 debuted for Pixel devices, and this is certainly a faster release timeline compared to previous years. The latest update comes with several notable improvements over last month's release, especailly for the developer side of things. Read on to know more.
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Among the updates, richer haptics allow apps to adjust the amplitude and frequency curves of haptic feedback, providing a more refined user experience. The update also introduces an improved adaptive refresh rate implementation, allowing for apps to take better advantage of it.
Further, there are now new APIs to enable searching from the cloud media provider for the Android photo picker. There is also focus on accessibility, security measures, and productivity-focused updates, such as improvements to Health Connect, and more.
Reading this, you may have realised that these changes are mostly for the developer side of things, and will mostly not affect you if you are using the Developer Preview 2 as a common user. Also, we would not suggest users to download it right now, as it is not a stable experience.
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It's worth noting that Android 15 has only recently started rolling out in its stable form. For instance, the Nothing Phone (2) recently received the Android 15 stable update, and while some other manufacturers have begun rolling it out, many devices are still awaiting the update.
Considering this, it's important to note that Android 16 is currently in the Developer Preview stage. Following the release of this second preview, Google is expected to begin rolling out beta versions starting in January.