The Bunker is the fourth installment of the popular Amnesia horror franchise and while I’m personally new to the franchise, I’ve always enjoyed a good horror game, so it’s time to dive into the bunker to see if it’s truly scary or just another horror wannabe.
Researching the Amnesia franchise, it’s pretty clear that the more than decade-old Dark Descent is considered not only the best game of the franchise, but also one of the best horror games available, so while I’m still coming to terms with how I’d missed it I looked forward to seeing what the bunker held in store.
Set in the trenches of the first world war, you take control of a French soldier, thankfully both he and his fellow troopers all speak perfect English, but the only sounds you’ll really need to pay attention to are the blood curdling screams. There’s not much in the way of hand-holding except for some very simple instructions on how to pick things up, throw them and check your ammunition, like many survival-horror titles ammo is in short supply, but the bunker allow you to check specifically how many bullets you have remaining, which is incredibly stringent, but also adds to the horrors that will unfold.
As you start to progress, you soon start to realise that ammo and weapons will only get you so far and the main resource you’ll need to look out for and use sparingly is fuel to keep your surroundings doused in light.
There’s a wide range of games that rely on light and dark mechanics, with some like Alan Wake, Metro and Resident Evil using them to great effect, but like Alien Isolation, The Bunker really does utilise the mechanics well, the “monster” you’ll soon encounter is a vicious beast and definitely on par with the famous xenomorph for shear