Not all units are there to stay in Anime Adventures. Every now and then, typically with the roll out of new updates, limited Mythical units hit the scene and are available for a limited time only.
When they expire, they become unobtainable, and therefore their evolutions do, too.
If you want to see if a unit you’re after has become obsolete, as you are struggling to find them anywhere, then heed this catalogue. This is a pretty long list, so you may want to click ‘control’ and ‘F’ at the same time to enter your PC or laptop into find mode. Type the name of the character you’re after, and if they’re on this list, then I have bad news.
For tablet and phone users, you’ll have to scroll. The list is alphabetical, so use it as though a dictionary.
Each of these evolutions are unobtainable as their previous form are no longer available to get. At least in the intended way. All of these units can be traded, however. If you manage to get someone to part with their unobtainable mythic unit, you can evolve it if you have the right ingredients. Although those evolutions will most require items that are unobtainable, too.
So your best bet here is to find someone willing to part with one of these evolved mythic units. Just be mindful of the trade tax, which could get extremely expensive.
Note that trading is only available to players over level 40.
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Below is every unobtainable unit in Anime Adventures.
There you have it, all the unobtainable Mythical units in Anime Adventures. For more help with Anime Adventures, look no further than PC Invasion.