Here are all 11 types of Titans explained in the explosively popular anime, Attack on Titan. The events ofAttack on Titan have perennially been catalyzed by the presence of Titans, who are essentially man-eating humanoids, whose existence spans back to 2,000 years within the anime’s timeline. Based on Hajime Isayama’s manga of the same name, Attack on Titan centers around Eren Jaeger, who goes on to join the 104th Cadet Corps after a smiling Titan devours his mother, giving way to his discovery of unlocking the power of a Titan itself. Interestingly, while most Titans share overlapping characteristics and weaknesses, they are by no means a homogenous threat as different types of Titans harbor their own set of unique traits.
Throughout the course of Attack on Titan, it is revealed that a Titan’s sole purpose is to seek out and devour humans, although they do not necessarily derive food-based sustenance from human flesh. While pain tolerance varies among the Titans, most of these humanoid monsters display little or no signs of intelligence, making them easy to trick or deceive. However, there are exceptions in the form of a few Abnormals and the infinitely-more powerful Nine Titans, who possess the ability to strategize, detect traps, and turn the odds in their favor during a fight. It is also interesting to note that varying types of Titans fought during the Great Titan War, which was a result of a series of civil wars in the kingdom of Eldia over 1,700 years ago.
Related: Attack On Titan: Are Titans Immortal?
Moreover, Titans also differ in terms of their reaction to pain stimuli, as some Titans remain completely unaffected by agonizing injuries, whereas others might scream and writhe in pain. While almost all titans