Attack on Titanhas risen in terms of popularity over the past decade due to the story's enthralling and unique plot, unrivaled in the anime franchise. If there's a new 'Big Three,'Attack on Titan definitely belongs to the category because the show has amassed a large viewership and is highly rated on reputable online sources such as IMDB, MyAnimelist, and Crunchyroll.
One of Attack on Titan’s biggest accomplishments is the show’s notable character development. The leading character development is none other than Eren Jaeger, the protagonist of the series, who changes from a good-willed individual to the story’s darkest villain. Apart from Eren, another notable major character that changed in the world of Attack on Titan is Armin Artlet. Armin's growth from a timid character to a self-confident military strategist rival even that of Eren's. So, here's a critical analysis of the character's growth through the four seasons of Attack on Titan.
Attack on Titan: How Much Has Eren Changed Since Season 1?
In Attack on Titan’s First Season, Armin was portrayed and was widely framed by viewers as a wimpy character. However, this is not entirely true. In the First Season, Armin was indeed weak and unable to stand up for himself, but he was brave enough to air his 'heretic' opinions, such as his zeal to experience the outside world. From childhood, Armin's intelligence has always been exceptional. However, being groomed in a «fear-filled» world with titans at the helm disallowed the character from blossoming at an early age.
After Mikasa, Eren and Armin enrolled in the Survey Corps, Armin performed poorly due to his in-bred fear of the titans. Armin had very little to offer, unlike the vengeance-driven Eren and the exceptionally-skilled