Monster movies have been around for almost as long as movies themselves. Over the years, many iconic monsters have been created that continue to be crowd-pleasers. Vampires, werewolves, Pennywise, and The Blob are all hugely recognizable monsters that have endured through decades of movie-going audiences, leaving their mark and scaring the public with every new release.
But what happens when the monster in a movie doesn't land? Whether it's due to poor creature design, bad special effects, or just an ineffective monster, there are hundreds of terrible movie monsters to choose from. Here's a look at some of the worst horror movie monsters that left audiences doubled up with laughter instead of quaking with fear.
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Spookies was already a strange disaster of a movie before the farting mud zombies made their appearance. The film was directed by three separate people, with no real plot running through it. Rather, it felt more like a collection of scenes loosely grouped together in the same setting. The film features a random collection of monsters versus a random collection of people in an old house. Some monsters actually look great, for example, the Spider-Lady; meanwhile, others are farting mud monsters.
In the scene, two of the hapless people trapped in the house are in the basement trying to find a way out, among other things, when suddenly the zombies burst through the earthen floor to attack, accompanied by what can only be described as comically loud flatulence. The scene runs around two minutes long, and it is in no way scary as the perpetually farting mud men lunge relentlessly at their potential victims.
Technically not even trolls but goblins, the monsters in the virtually