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06.03 / 22:37
UPS Darth Vader's Darkest Kill Shows Why Jedi Are Forgotten by A New Hope
With the rise of the Empire in the Star Warsuniverse, Darth Vadertook to the galaxy to extinguish the last remnants of the Jedi, with his darkest kill showing exactly why the Jedi were forgotten by the time the events of Star Wars: A New Hopetook place. After having such a prominent presence in the galaxy before the Emperor took over, as well as remaining relevant throughout the time of the Rebellion, many fans find it hard to believe that within that roughly twenty year period, the Jedi have basically been forgotten with characters like Han Solo initially not even believing Jedi existed in the first place. In one Star Warsstory that exists within the Star Wars: Legendstimeline, Darth Vader shows exactly how he was able to scrub the galaxy of not only nearly every Jedi, but the memory of them as well.