Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is the sequel to Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto. Following the story of Naruto's son, Boruto Uzumaki, Boruto is set in an era of peace where Naruto Uzumaki rules as the Seventh Hokage of the village. Meanwhile, Boruto aims to become a great ninja like Sasuke who can protect the village from the shadows. While the ninja world is relatively at peace, multiple problems still exist in Boruto, mostly stemming from the Otsutsuki clan who seem to possess an ever-growing hold on the main plot.
The series has enjoyed decent success over the last few years and is still going strong, despite facing loads of criticism along the way. However, one particular decision from the writers could very well make or break the story, and that is how the series handles the fate of Naruto Uzumaki, who many presume to be dead in the future.
Boruto: Is Kara a Poor Version of the Akatsuki?
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations opens with a very intriguing scene where Boruto Uzumaki is fighting Kawaki atop the Hokage faces. Amidst a Konoha that looks utterly destroyed, Kawaki claims that he'll send Boruto to the same place he sent the Seventh Hokage, leading many to believe that Naruto Uzumaki could very well have been killed by Kawaki. It's no surprise that the series opened with this scene as raising questions about Naruto's fate would certainly get fans intrigued. With time, however, fans later got to meet Kawaki and see his personality for himself.
Judging from the way his character has developed over the years, it is safe to say that Naruto Uzumaki doesn't face any threat from Kawaki, at the very least. It is likelier that Kawaki sent Naruto to a different dimension for his own sake, however, against his wishes. That being