Grand Theft Auto 6 has been unveiled and it looks amazing. But as is standard, it’s led to a standard reaction in some of the more reactionary parts of the internet. So let’s put it to rest right here: the Series S will play GTA6 just fine.
No, it won’t hold anything back. The next Grand Theft Auto will undoubtedly be mindblowing wherever you end up playing it. That is, after all, what Rockstar do. Red Dead Redemption 2 was one of the best games of last generation because of its attention to detail and because ti went further than almost any other game. GTA6 will do that too.
And the Series S – Xbox’s little box that could – will be perfectly fine playing it. If you buy this console it’s because you don’t care about visuals, and it’ll run without the bells and whistles that others see as necessary. That’s A-ok. That’s the whole point of the console.
There hasn’t been a single game that can’t run on the Series S so far, despite the amount of concern around it. Yes, Baldur’s Gate 3 was delayed, but firstly it’s out now, and it brought with it a load of optimisations on other platforms. And secondly, it clearly wasn’t an issue with getting it running on the console, as much as having to the time to get those optimisations done. With support and a few extra months, the game works fine on Series S, albeit without co-op.
The fact is that games will scale down to the Series S just fine. Granted, you might end up playing at a reduced resolution and framerate. Maybe the draw distance won’t be as good. Perhaps textures will be less impressive.
But buying a Series S for graphics is like buying a Smart Car for its sex appeal. Sure, nobody is going to stop you, but it’s right there in front of you. This is a HD console in the 4k