Set in an alternate '60s where the Nazis won the Second World War, Wolfenstein: The New Order is a fast-paced, modern take on the classic FPS franchise. With ferocious and empowering combat masking a surprisingly nuanced narrative in a modernised dystopia featuring a battle-hardened resistance, brutalist concrete mega-structures, and wonder weapons.
Related: How Long Does It Take To Beat Wolfenstein: The New Order?
One relic of the past still found in this new order is the enigma code. Collecting all of them and cracking the codes in the extras menu will unlock four new gameplay modes, including the hardcore, ironman, and 999 options. So in this guide, we'll run through where to find all of the enigma codes in the game.
You'll need to grab some explosives to enter the bunker, take them from the small store room, and use them on the nearby blast door. When you enter, turn right into the pillbox lit by red light. The code is on a crate near the window.
Once you've dealt with the first AA gun, go next door and into the room on your right. As you go in, immediately look to your left and find the writing "EIN DREI ZWEI" — Translating from German into one, three, two.
Go to the back right corner of the room to find three levers on the wall, pull them in the order mentioned to open a secret room behind the shelf. The enigma code is on the table.
On the secret room's back shelf is the pistol's silencer. This makes stealth and getting quiet commander kills much easier, especially for revealing collectibles on your map.
Deal with the second AA gun and head outside. When you go to open the next door, a Panzerhund will try to eat you. After Wyatt plays forbidden fetch with the beast, he offers a hand up. Do not grab it yet!
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