A new title has been teased at CES 2025. While the trailer didn’t have true in-game footage, it provided proof of concept of what may be like. It had a lot of heavy hits and great use of blocking, which are staples of the series. While it isn’t always the most exciting gameplay to watch as an audience, the series is extremely fun for die-hard fighting game fans.
While was one of the main pillars of 3D fighting games, a new title hasn’t been released since 2006. While many updates of have appeared, including,, and soon they were all still the same core game. Several main characters did appear in , with some fans often joking that that game is the true next. But it had so many more systems that superseded what many fans expected.
As seen in the pre-development trailer, most of Akira’s moves are simply basic punches, kicks, and blocks. These moves are further divided into high, medium, and low hits. Instead of multiple strikes, each individual attack in hits hard. This is exemplified when the first player slams the opponent into a few wooden boxes and deals damage to over 50% of their life bar.
Using just the right moves in, often baiting the enemy into making a mistake and punishing it with the right response. Using the wrong attack and missing will likely result in losing the round, which strongly discourages button mashing. While combos exist, they are limited to three or four hits. Contrast this to something like and, which can showcase long combo strings or heavy reliance on flashy character special moves.
After the Sonic trilogy, which other iconic video game character should SEGA adapt next?
is often directly compared to Tekken as two of the earliest 3D fighting game franchises, but both games have very different principles. Being outright defensive and only occasionally poking foe works well in the latter. Additionally, many fighters have hard counter-picks, with some high-level players abandoning their main character if it just means winning. However, with the
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