Based on recent set photos, James Rhodes (War Machine) will return in the upcoming Disney+ miniseries Secret Invasion. Set to premiere in late 2022, Secret Invasion will adapt Brian Michael Bendis’ Marvel comic series by the same name. In these comic books, the Skrulls, a species of shape-shifting aliens introduced to the MCU in Captain Marvel, infiltrated Earth by slowly replacing humans in positions of power. By the time the Skrulls’ plot was uncovered, the aliens had replaced many superheroes, stirring paranoia and distrust since no one could tell the difference between Skrulls and humans.
While little is currently known about the plot of Secret Invasion, especially since the Skrulls turned out to want peace in Captain Marvel, some recently released set photos revealed that Don Cheadle should be returning as War Machine. The set photos (via Instagram) showed a prop newspaper, which included a picture of James Rhodes meeting with the MCU’s new President Ritson. This not only confirmed Rhodes’ return, but hinted at the plot of Secret Invasion since the newspaper headline explained that President Ritson would be attending an “emergency summit” with the British Prime Minister.
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It is unclear how large of a role War Machine will play in Secret Invasion. The comic book arc included nearly every major Marvel hero. While this may not be the case with Disney+’s Secret Invasion, there could still be many cameos from other MCU characters yet to be revealed. Due to this, War Machine could have a quick cameo or be a major character as he was in the comics. If War Machine returns as an important player in Secret Invasion, it will likely be to fulfill his