The iconic Star Wars villain Darth Vader is returning in the upcoming Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi, with Hayden Christensen reprising his role as the bad guy alongside Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan. In a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, director Deborah Chow explained why Lucasfilm wanted to bring back the famous foe and what it was like having him on set.
These quotes come in the backdrop of a report that said Darth Maul was originally intended to appear in the series and that Darth Vader was only added after Maul didn't work out. Lucasfilm has denied that Maul was ever in the mix. With that said, Chow explained that Lucasfilm wanted Vader because he's so intertwined with Obi-Wan from a character development standpoint.
«Honestly, for me the starting place was that I really wanted to do something that was character-based and character-driven, because that is the benefit of the limited series, is that you have more time to sort of tell a real character story. And so for me, the starting place of character is you just start and you look at who has been important to him in his life. And it's quite hard to avoid Anakin/Vader in that scenario, especially coming out of Revenge of the Sith,» Chow said.
Chow went on to say that the Obi-Wan set was buzzing when Christensen was there, in part because of how fun it was to see the different generations of Star Wars media mix together in this way.
«It was a really interesting moment for me because you really started to see the different generations and how they connect to Star Wars and the franchise, where you have a generation that grew up with the prequels first and with Hayden,» Chow said. «It's a totally different thing for them than a generation that grew up with the