New X-Men: The Animated Series figures featured at Mondo's San Diego Comic-Con booth are must-haves for any fan. First unveiled in Marvel comics in the 1960s, the X-Men have since become a major feature in the superhero landscape. The iconic team of mutants first made their big-screen live-action debut in 2000's X-Men, a film that was a hit with both audiences and critics. A sequel, X2, was released in 2003, which was then followed by the divisive X-Men: The Last Stand in 2006.
Before the famed superhero team appeared in live-action, however, X-Men: The Animated Series brought the characters to life on the small screen. The beloved series ran from 1992 to 1997, and featured the likes of Wolverine, Professor X, Storm, Jubilee, Magneto, Cyclops, Rogue, Beast, Gambit, and many more. Although the show has been over for basically 25 years now, it was announced in 2021 that the series would be getting rebooted for Disney+ in the form of X-Men '97. The show is expected to release on Disney+ at some point in 2023, with additional announcements possible at Marvel's SDCC animation panel.
Related: MCU Wolverine At Comic-Con 2022? Could It Happen?
Ahead of possible announcements regarding the animated X-Men revival, however, some members of the iconic superhero team are getting some new merchandise. As tweeted by SR's own Rob Keyes (and captured in close-up detail by Screen Rant's official Twitter account), Mondo's SDCC booth has four figures on display, including Wolverine, Jubilee, Magneto, and Gambit. Check out some images of the must-have figures below:
Cue the music. X-Men figures at Mondo booth from <a href=«» https:>#SDCC
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