The upcoming Hogwarts Legacy is aiming to provide the most ambitious and comprehensive adaptation of the massively popular Harry Potter franchise within the video game sphere. With players taking holistic control over a Hogwarts student during a period of sinister unrest, the possibilities and avenues for adventure are seemingly endless within the title.
Of course, a huge portion of this gameplay experience within Hogwarts Legacy will be the player's choice of what student house they assign themselves to. Due to this, it is extremely important that house Slytherin moves away from the evil and mean-spirited connotations that the films and books fostered, with the good sides of the house being just as prevalent.
Hogwarts Legacy to Receive an 'Exclusive New Look' at Gamescom Next Week
With student life at Hogwarts being split into its four houses, each house can be said to have a distinct overarching theme that sets it wholly apart from the others. For example, Gryffindor is arguably the most well-known house within Harry Potter, being the house of the main characters and representing courage and bravery above all else.
While the houses of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw possess their own characteristics, Slytherin is the second most well-known house due to its role as an antagonist group within the famous books and films that propelled the franchise to stardom. Slytherin was the house of characters such as Draco Malfoy, a cruel and vindictive bully, and even the nefarious Lord Voldemort during his time at Hogwarts as Tom Riddle.
It can be said in this way that Slytherin has always been portrayed as a kind of antithesis group to the compassion and bravery of Gryffindor, instead showcasing connotations of selfishness, ego, and cruelty.