Season three of Netflix's The Witcher drops this summer. Hype for the new season was ramped up this week by the reveal of its first poster, closely followed by its debut trailer and confirmation of when it will drop on Netflix. All reminders to many Witcher fans that the new season isn't far away, some of which will be avoiding the show at all costs and have been urging others to do the same.
ApexicGaming took to The Witcher's subreddit, a home for all things Witcher, shortly after the poster started to do the rounds on social media. “No hate watching. No fucking hate watching,” the Peaky Blinders meme used to convey the message reads. That has prompted a number of responses from fellow Witcher fans, many of which appear to agree with the sentiment.
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One user who goes by LordPizzaGamer added that any views, even by those who hate watch, means more money for Netflix, and therefore more seasons of The Witcher. Despite claiming to have cancelled their Netflix subscription, so they certainly won't be watching, they appear to have ranked the show above the books. Either their ranking hasn't been adjusted for a while or they just really, really hate the books.
They're certainly not the only ones who plan on giving season three a miss. The post has almost 10,000 upvotes at the time of typing this, while the trailer hit 9,000 dislikes within minutes of going live. The hate for Netflix's Witcher adaptation stems from its willingness to deviate from the books and the games on which it is based. Confirmation that season three will include content that has never featured in any Witcher media before has only angered those fans further.
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