The latest build of The War Within Alpha has a huge leak — literally. It also comes with several updates to Cooking recipes and reagents!
We previously datamined vegetable weapons coming in The War Within, and now we've partially discovered how to obtain Extra Large Leak!
Datamining has revealed the Extra Large Leak spell, which shows that combining 999 Twined Herbs.
While we currently do not have a source for Twined Herbs, it's possible that this may be a vendor crafting reagent, similar to Thaldraszian Cocoa Powder and Three-Cheese Blend in Dragonflight.
Leaks aren't the only thing in The War Within, though — this build also brought several other updates to the Cooking profession.
A new recipe, Ghoulfish Delight, provides food that increases both Fishing Skill and Perception — a first for food in World of Warcraft. While Captain Rumsey's Lager was able to give a short Fishing Skill bonus in the past, food has never altered a Secondary Skill for a profession before.
Hot Honeycomb was also added as a secondary ingredient for Cooking, providing increased servings produced for recipes it is added to.
Finally, some recipes that were previously just placeholders received updated effects, including some fun randomized food buffs, a food that can potentially change your appearance to that of a child, and a water-walking drink!