, also known asis an American suspense thriller film. It tells the story of a staunch skeptic lawyer known for debunking the paranormal who inherits a seemingly haunted mansion. When strange occurrences escalate and target him personally, his unwavering disbelief is shaken.
Here’s how you can watch and stream The Skeptic (2009) via streaming services such as [service(s)].
The movie follows Bryan Beckett, an analytical lawyer who inherits a mansion after his aunt’s mysterious passing. Initially dismissive of concerns, Beckett moves into the mansion, unaware that his life and beliefs are about to be tested by an unseen force.
The film features Tim Daly as Bryan Beckett, Tom Arnold as Sully, Zoe Saldana as Cassie, Andrea Roth as Robin Beckett and Edward Herrmann as Shepard.
i AMC Plus is an online streaming platform that has a vast collection of movies and TV Series. The exclusive content can be enjoyed by the audience via a paid subscription.
You can watch via AMC Plus by following these steps:
Users can also subscribe to AMC Plus as a channel via Amazon Prime Video if they are current subscribers to Amazon’s service.
The Skeptic (2009) synopsis is as follows:
“After the mysterious death of his Aunt, a confirmed skeptic lawyer, Bryan Becket, dismisses reports that her house is haunted and moves in. Immediately occurrences begin he cannot explain. And beyond the occurrences there is something about the house which gnaws at Becket – some strange connection he senses he has with the house’s past. Soon, the haunting turns personal.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.
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