I consider myself a bit of an expert when it comes to The Simpsons. I've seen every episode, all but the new season at least twice, everything pre-season 25 multiple times and everything pre-season 16 too many times to even count. I have Simpsons trainers, jackets, t-shirts, and earrings. I have way too much plastic merch. I've eaten in Krusty Burger and had a drink at Moe's. If I was the kind of person to have tattoos, I'd have a Die, Bart, Die tattoo and would explain the episode in which it comes from at length to anybody who ever politely enquired about said tattoo. I'm only saying all this because I feel the need to lay out my Simpsons credentials before I say what I'm about to say, or I guess what the headline already said. D'oh! Anyway, the Lady Gaga episode of The Simpsons is not that bad.
Don't get me wrong, this episode isn't good. I think you could put over half of The Simpsons' episodes into the 'good' category, and over a hundred into 'great'. Lisa Goes Gaga is not that. But of the other episodes you have watchable, bad (the Gaga episode straddles this line), terrible, and insulting. Since there are more than a few in those latter two categories, Lisa Goes Gaga should be home and hosed.
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I get why people don't like it. The episode goes very heavy on the Lady Gaga cameo, and feels like a showcase for the singer as much as it does a Simpsons episode. These days, guest stars tend to drop in and out, but few have ever had the spotlight in the way Lady Gaga did. If they ever were, they were usually cast as a character, like Harvey Fierstein as Karl or Kirk Douglas as Chester J. Lampwick. Lady Gaga is just Lady Gaga, and this is pre-Gucci, pre-Star is
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