This looks so good! Everyone is here!
@LtSarge Wish it was a game instead, but definitely looking forward to it.
I've been contemplating which RE game to play next as I'm really in a mood to play one now. I finished RE5 earlier this year, so I thinking about either playing Resident Evil 6, Revelations or Code Veronica X. I really want to play CV next but it sounds like it's the most challenging game in the series. I don't know if I'm ready for it. I've played RE 1-3 on PS1, REmake, RE0, RE4 and RE5 so maybe that's enough. What do you guys think, should I play CV next? Do you have any helpful tips when going into it? Because I keep hearing that the game has poor design and is meant to screw over any first-timers. Should I just expect then to frequently reload the game?
Edited on by LtSarge