As many will surely know, The Last of Us 2 tells a story about revenge, focusing closely on the lives of Abby and Ellie. While both characters exist in a world inhabited by many factions, two of these groups have a major role to play in the story: the WLF and Seraphites. However, seeing as the narrative is about Abby and Ellie as opposed to these factions, the war between them happens in the background. With the upcoming The Last of Us multiplayer spin-off, Naughty Dog can and should provide more lore about these two groups.
The upcoming multiplayer entry inThe Last of Us series initially started as an online mode for the sequel, and it can be assumed that the two groups it would have let players control are the aforementioned WLF and Seraphites. Though the game has since grown significantly, becoming a standalone project, any Factions-like content it has may still focus on these two groups. If that is the case, Naughty Dog has a unique opportunity to further flesh out The Last of Us 2’s version of Seattle.
The Last of Us: Ellie and the Art of Forgiveness
With the two factions essentially used as world-building that enhanced Abby’s story in The Last of Us 2, giving more insight into how the groups functioned with the multiplayer game could retroactively improve their parts of The Last of Us 2’s narrative. For instance, more insight can be given into each group’s leader, with players learning how the Prophet inspired the Seraphites and how someone as unforgiving as Isaac was able to keep the support of his soldiers.
Obviously, this would mean that the multiplayer spin-off would have to take place before The Last of Us 2, which could allow for cameos from Abby’s group as well as Yara and Lev. Regardless, the main focus should