is an action-comedy movie directed by Patrick Hughes. Released in 2017, the film features the chaotic and comedic partnership between a world-class bodyguard and a notorious hitman. It is a buddy action-comic movie with high-octane action sequences combined with sharp humor and a memorable dynamic between its two leads.
Here’s how you can watch and stream The Hitman’s Bodyguard via streaming services such as Apple TV Plus.
The plot revolves around Michael Bryce, a prestigious protection agent, tasked with safeguarding Darius Kincaid, a renowned hitman. However, as Bryce delves deeper into Darius’s world, he uncovers a troubling truth that clouds his intentions of protecting him. Will Bryce manage to set aside his past grievances and help Darius?
The movie has a stellar cast with Ryan Reynolds in the lead role of Michael Bryce alongside Samuel L. Jackson in the role of Darius Kincaid. Other members of the cast include Salma Hayek as Sonia Kincaid, Gary Oldman as Vladislav Dukhovich, and Kristy Mitchell as Rebecca Harr.
i Apple TV Plus has many other hit movies on its platform like The Banker, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, Catch Me If You Can, Cha Cha Real Smooth, and The Greatest Beer Run Ever.
You can watch via Apple TV Plus by following these steps:
Users may be eligible for discounts and promotions if the device they’re using is eligible. Users can also share Apple TV Plus with their family, as up to five family members can be added to their subscription.
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.