Greetings, Adventurers!
The Glacial Tarn is a new Level 65 Expedition set in the Great Cleave. Explore a cavernous frozen complex hidden beyond the Empyrean Forge in pursuit of the Varangian Knight Ser Loth. Locate and harness the primordial magic of the Empyrean Flame to overcome enemies and obstacles imbued with Ice Magic, and destroy Ser Loth before his power consumes all of Aeternum.
Players will need the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion to experience this Expedition.
Ser Loth has blocked our path into the depths of the antediluvian complex. Beyond the Empyrean Forge, he harnesses primordial magicks from deep within an ancient pyramid. If left unchecked, his power will grow to unconquerable heights, so you must act quickly to stop his apocalyptic power grab. Thankfully, our friend, Shailyn, has found another path into the complex and back into the forge- but it won't be easy.
A league of ice enchanted ancients stand in our way, and beyond them lie the Varangian horde, empowered by the Glacial Tarn's Ice magic and the Empyrean Forge's primordial flame. Players will have to use these magicks to their own advantage, plowing through ice and snow with the power of fire.
“As the second act of the Empyrean Forge, the Glacial Tarn’s music confronts warmth with coldness,” said Audio Director Jean-Edouard Miclot. “I always enjoy dichotomies that force me to make something completely different and similar at the same time. Contrast can be complimentary so it’s always a great source of inspiration when making sounds, music or any kind of art.”
“I used an Instagram video of a Russian frozen lake cracking under the weight of an ice-skater as a source of inspiration for most of the Eternal Frost aesthetics. The laser-like sounds