Fntastic has shut its doors four days after releasing its controversial multiplayer zombie game, The Day Before.
The studio announced its end via a post on Twitter, citing poor finances as the reason. "The Day Before has failed financially, and we lack the funds to continue," the post reads. «All income received is being used to pay off debts to our partners.
»We invested all our efforts, resources, and man-hours into the development ofThe Day Before, which was our first huge game. We really wanted to release new patches to reveal the full potential of the game, but unfortunately, we don't have the funding to continue the work."
There's been a great deal of controversy around The Day Before's release. Only a few days ago, the developers pleaded on social media not to accuse them of scamming. Since the post-apocalyptic game was announced in 2021, it has faced alleged trademarking issues, being <a data-analytics-id=«inline-link» href=«https://twitter.com/FntasticHQ/status/1618113906878337024?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1618113906878337024%7Ctwgr%5Ede01b973b2a756472a37a161572d5144973fc8e5%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gamesradar.com%2Fthe-day-before-has-been-delayed-nine-months-because-someone-else-trademarked-its-name%2F» target="_blank" data-url=«https://twitter.com/FntasticHQ/status/1618113906878337024?ref_src=» https:>delisted from Steam
, and multiple delays. Many thought The Day Before wouldn't see the light of day.In light of these previous controversies, Fntastic remarked, «It's important to note that we didn't take any money from the public during the development of The Day Before; there were no pre-orders or crowdfunding campaigns.»
However, this does nothing to help players who
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