Super Dungeon Maker is an indie game where you do exactly what you'd expect: you make dungeons! There are tons of tools that allow you to build long, sprawling maps or short mini-challenges to share online with friends and strangers.
RELATED: Super Dungeon Maker: How To Use Every Dungeon-Making Tool
To keep your players dungeon-crawling as effectively as possible, you can add Power-ups to your levels that give them the ability to cross unfamiliar terrain and take on unique challenges. In this article, we'll detail everything you need to know about them so that you can use them in your dungeon effectively.
The Chest is a slightly unusual Power-up that might more appropriately belong in the decorative section. It does exactly what you'd expect: it can hold one of the other Power-ups on this list.
This might seem unnecessary - why not just give the player the item? - but we'd suggest there are two reasons to use a Chest. First, you might not want the player to know what Power-up they're going to receive until they actually reach the Chest. Second, it is unexpectedly energizing to open a chest, plain and simple.
The Key is the second Power-up, and it's pretty simple to understand. You pick it up and then approach a Locked Door to open it! No button pressing is needed. After use, the Key will be consumed.
The Jewelled Key, the third Power-up, works exactly like the Key does. There are two major differences. First, the Jewelled Key will open the Decorative Locked Door. Second, the Jewelled Key stays in the player's inventory and isn't consumed after each use like the regular Key.
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The Heart does just what you'd expect it to: heal the player!
Players can lose health when they're attacked