Credits aren’t easy to come by in Starfield, and one of the easiest (and earliest) ways to build up your bank account is with pickpocketing. By unlocking the Theft skill, you can immediately begin robbing vendors of their hard-gotten gains. Theft unlocks a new option that only appears when you’re attempting to sneak — Pickpocketing. With the right marks, you can earn 7,000~ credits in about a second of work. Just don’t get caught or you’ll have to pay a steep fine and lose all your stolen goods. Not that you’ll need to steal many items in Starfield. The credits are what we really want.
Pickpocketing is one of the simplest ways to earn money in Starfield. Before you start attempting to steal, you’ll want to unlock the Theft Skill. Theft is a Tier 1 Social Skill.
You’ll also need to unlock Stealth. The Stealth Skill is a Tier 1 Physical Skill. Unlocking this makes you 25% more difficult to detect and adds a Stealth Meter. Press [B] to crouch and begin sneaking. This is incredibly useful for pickpocketing.
You can easily steal any number of credits. Quicksave before attempting to pickpocket. Crouch to enter stealth, then pickpocket and select Credits. Early in the game, most credit pickpocket attempts have 50% or 60% chances of success. Quicksave, then attempt. If you’re caught, reload your save and try again. Usually, it will only take two or three tries maximum to succeed.
What we’re really after are credits. While it’s fun later to steal valuable guns from tough enemies, if you want to make some easy early credits, we’ll target credits.
You’ll need to pickpocket 5 NPCs to unlock Rank 2 Theft. Each rank of Theft you unlock, the easier pickpocketing will become. At Rank 4, you’re practically guaranteed to always