Stardew Valley 1.6.9 finally lands today across all versions of the game. That's especially exciting for the console and mobile players who've been waiting months for the big content updates that 1.6 entails, but there's also a load of new stuff that players across every version will be getting all at once.
Top among the new features detailed on the official site are cheat codes. This feature has been available in beta to PC players for a bit, and there you have to edit your save file to enable cheating. No word yet on how - or if - console players will be able to enable cheats.
The cheats will be pretty familiar to cozy gaming fans who've played The Sims and typed "motherlode" into a cheat box. Once enabled in Stardew Valley, you just pop open the chat box and input something like "money 500" to give yourself 500 gold, or whatever amount you want. There's also going to be a debug command that'll let you add any item you want to your inventory, which should be much more convenient than the old item duplication exploit that was previously the most notable Stardew Valley cheat.
There's plenty here if you don't want to cheat, too. "If you lost an item that can’t be found again," the patch notes explain, "a new friend appears in the secret woods who can get it back (for a price)." This will let you get back lost unique items - like those you get for completing major quests or heart events - at a price of 10,000 gold each.
"You can now put legendary fish in fish ponds," is another big one. "These are limited to one per pond and produce legendary fish roe." Previously fish ponds wouldn't accept your legendary fish, so this'll give you a much greater incentive to actually put in the effort to catch these things.
Stardew Valley creator Eric 'ConcernedApe' Barone says on Twitter that 1.6.9 should start going live at 10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm GMT, which will be very shortly after this post goes live, though the exact release time may vary depending on your platform of choice.