The Star Wars franchise has included Luke Skywalker in its recent live-action TV shows, and he may return once more to fight against the dreaded Grand Admiral Thrawn in a future property. Grand AdmiralThrawn was a major Star Wars villain in the Legends continuity, being introduced in Timothy Zahn’s Heir to the Empire and becoming a fan-favorite antagonist, eventually gaining a canon counterpart, thanks to Star Wars Rebels. Luke was brought back to the franchise in his prime at the end of The Mandalorian season 2, and appeared again in The Book of Boba Fett, highlighting his continued importance after Return of the Jedi. The two iconic characters will likely clash in what may be canon’s version of the Thrawn Trilogy.
Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn Trilogy is considered by many to be an essential trio of novels from the Star Wars Expanded Universe, which was initially the official timeline of the Star Wars franchise. The Expanded Universe was rebranded as Legends and made into an alternate timeline in 2014, but the continuity still serves as an inspiration for many new canon properties. Grand Admiral Thrawn himself was brought into the post-2014 canon timeline by Rebels, and though the brilliant leader’s whereabouts are unknown, The Mandalorian season 2 teased his return to the Star Wars franchise, with Ahsoka Tano searching for him and likely Ezra Bridger as well.
Related: How Rebels Made A Star Wars Multiverse Possible
As one of the Star Wars franchise’s main heroes, Luke Skywalker’s surprise appearances in The Mandalorian season 2 and The Book of Boba Fett delighted fans, but his appearances may be setting up more than just his doomed new generation of Jedi Knights. As one of the galaxy’s most powerful Force users at the time,