The Galactic Republic’s Clone Troopers are among the most tragically unsung heroes of the Star Wars franchise, but a Legends-era comic demonstrates the potential for heroism in all Clones. In both Star Wars' modern canon and the defunct Legends, Clone Troopers are the secret weapons of Palpatine, created to fight alongside and gain the trust of their Jedi leaders before murdering them when Order 66 activates their dormant brainwashing. In their right minds, however, Clone Troopers are altruistic heroes who care about both the people of the Republic and the Jedi Knights (with Jedi and Clones often forming friendships in both continuities).
In the current Star Wars canon, Clone Troopers have seen a well-deserved boost in popularity, thanks to 2008’s Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which often gives Clone Troopers of all ranks and types starring roles. In Legends, the minimally-altered ARC Troopers and elite Clone Commandos are occasionally given protagonist roles, but the Republic’s standard Clone Troopers and Pilots are, unfortunately, rarely more than supporting characters in Clone Wars era stories. Despite this, some Legends-era comics give standard Clone Troopers a chance to be as heroic as the Jedi themselves, even in a minor role.
Related: Star Wars' OTHER Order 66 Was More Twisted Than the Jedi Purge
One such comic is Jedi: Shaak Ti, by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, which makes an unnamed Clone Trooper invaluable to the Battle of Brentaal IV. With a perilously small team needing to sabotage a CIS fortress, Shaak Ti tasks an unnamed standard Clone Trooper with destroying the structure’s heavily-guarded shield generator, which the Clone Trooper dutifully carries out. The Clone Trooper fights bravely against the CIS