The Arkham series revolutionized the superhero genre in video games by introducing an exciting fighting system, a massive open world filled with side quests, and compelling stories that carried from one title to another. Developer WB Montreal is now taking the focus away from Batman and giving it to the other members of the Bat-Family in the upcoming Gotham Knights game. Players will be able to control Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, and the Red Hood as they fight to protect a city no longer under Batman’s care.
The most compelling aspect of Gotham Knights is the fact that the four main characters will all be playable at any time, and will work together to deal devastating combat combos. This formula works great for the Bat-Family members, as comic fans will know that Batman has trained them not only to work independently, but also in unison. Within the Batman universe, however, there are other interesting characters that could benefit from this style of game; namely groups of villains, or in certain cases anti-heroes, that could give fans an insight into the inner workings of Gotham with a DLC release.
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The Gotham Sirens are probably the most popular team in Gotham after the Bat-Family, consisting of popular female villains like Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy. A team-up is usually always in the cards for these characters, and is something that has been explored in Arkham games before with Catwoman and Poison Ivy sharing screen time and talking about their old partnership.
Exploring the combat style of each of the characters and how they would work as a team would be fascinating. While the Arkham games gave players the opportunity to play as Catwoman, and the