Shinji Mikami, the creator of the iconic Resident Evil franchise, has spoken out in an interview with Eurogamer regarding the success of Monster Hunter and how, due to how successful the franchise has become, he doesn't see the need for a new Dino Crisis game to exist. In the interview, he expressed his surprise at how many people would like a new Dino Crisis game, as he feels that everything you could want from Dino Crisis is covered in Monster Hunter. "The awesomeness of dinosaurs and the stuff you can do with dinosaurs, that's been kind of really nailed down by Monster Hunter in recent years."
Although there are no plans for Dino Crisis, Capcom announced Exoprimal last year, a multiplayer third-person shooter. However, that doesn't seem as exciting to Dino fans, leaving many disappointed. While it has received positive reviews since its release in July of last year, it doesn't offer the nostalgic and scary feeling that people wanted, which can only be sought out by playing Dino Crisis.
Monster Hunter is one of Capcom's most popular franchises, with Monster Hunter: World selling over 25 million units worldwide as of March 2024. The series has also gone up in popularity as the hype for Monster Hunter Wilds has been showcased, with the game set to release some time in 2025.
While Shinji Mikami is the creator of Resident Evil, he has since jumped ship and works at Kamuy. However, he was one of the producers on Dino Crisis when the game was first made in 1999. "Even if I were to decide to make a remake or a new version of Dino Crisis, I don't really feel there's a whole lot of space for that kind of game right now, just since Monster Hunter has become such a big game." According to the interview with Eurogamer, Shinji Mikami finds it surprising how much love Dino Crisis has years on, and is surprised at how many people would still love to see the game