Action tends to fall between two extremes, tactical and arcade. In tactical action you bide your time waiting for the right moment to make your move, assessing the enemy’s movements for an opening and then exploiting it for all it’s worth, while in arcade games you do the same thing but really fast. Go Mecha Ball falls squarely into the latter camp of game design, with a kitty-mech stomping through battle arenas and shooting down all the rogue glitch-bots in its path. Which is a fairly pedestrian thing for a kitty-mech to do, so it also rolls up into a ball to smash, bounce, crash, and beat on any bot that’s unlucky enough to get in the way.
Go Mecha Ball is a fast-paced roguelite set in a randomized procession of arenas designed with high-speed rolling in mind. Ramps and booster pads are everywhere to send the mecha-ball flying around the level, but from one moment to the next you’ll need to determine if that’s actually a good idea or not. A rolling, dashing mech is as susceptible to enemy firepower as a slow stompy one, so the trick to managing the flow of combat is to know which of Go Mecha Ball’s tools is the best to use at any given moment. It’s certainly stylish to gain air-time off a ramp and bounce on a few enemies but they’ll be just as dead with a couple of blasts from whichever gun you’ve got equipped at the moment, or using one of the two skills you can pick up during a run.
The Go Mecha Ball demo dropped on Steam as part of the current Next Fest and it’s about as videogame-y a videogame as could be imagined, from the hyperkinetic action to the techno-colorful art style. Each run consists of three arenas of three waves each before finishing up with a brief rest at a store where you can spend the