You only have to take one look at our Red Dead Redemption 2 review to see that it's a slow-burn masterpiece of an RPG that takes immersion in video games to a fantastic level. RDR2 is a great game, no doubt about it.
But, you know what would make Red Dead Redemption 2 even better? I know what you're thinking, supersonic horses! What better way to take an already great game and inject it with that X-factor to take it to S-rank. What was Rockstar thinking in not making maximum horse and wagon velocity a toggleable option?!
Luckily, talented content creator Blurbstv has got our backs here, modding Red Dead Redemption 2 so that the dream of supersonic stallions is achieved. And, well, as can be seen from the video below, the results are quite frankly ridiculous.
I modded RDR2 so that all wagons and horses travel at super sonic speeds.It's now a horror game. 7, 2024
So, yeah. As Blurbstv himself calls out, having horses and wagons operate at supersonic speeds in Read Dead Redemption 2 actually introduces a level of chaotic horror into it. Stallions and carriages just suddenly appear out of nowhere at crazy speeds, making crossing roads a super serious life-or-death situation. At multiple points in the video Arthur Morgan is simply minding his own Wild West business, only to be ambushed out of nowhere by a killer horse and cart combo. Morgan is sent flying, crushed to death by wagon wheels, or simply ragdolled violently into the nearest structure.
What's more, turning horse and wagon speed up to this level seems to totally break the game's engine, too, with horses and wagons sent careering seemingly with no cause into buildings and other NPCs. Then there's the moment when Arthur is trying to catch-up and stop a horse-drawn wagon for a story mission, only to find himself chasing a carriage that is flying around in the sky, with its horses zigging and zagging across the great blue as if they were descendants of Pegasus.
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