Raised by Wolves has been canceled after two seasons at HBO Max. Created by Aaron Guzikowski and executive produced by Ridley Scott, Raised By Wolves takes place on the distant planet of Kepler 22-b where two androids are tasked with raising human children on the new world after Earth has been ravaged by war. As more and more humans arrive on the planet, the struggle to survive becomes more intense, especially as the mysteries of the new planet continue to unravel.
Raised by Wolves season 2 wrapped its 8-episode season in March, leaving a number of big story threads open. The sci-fi show stars Abubakar Salim, as well as Amanda Collin, Winta McGrath, Niamh Algar, Travis Fimmel, Jordan Loughran, Felix Jamieson, Ethan Hazzard, Aasiya Shah, Ivy Wong, Matias Varela, and Selina Jones. Scott directed a number of episodes in the first season and has remained on board as an executive producer with his production company, Scott Free. The Warner Bros. Discovery merger was approved in March and has since seen a massive shift in planned projects throughout the film and TV side, including a number of cancellations. Now, it appears that Raised By Wolves is a casualty of the merger as well.
Related: Raised By Wolves Season 2 Ending Explained (In Detail)
The news of Raised By Wolves' cancelation (via Deadline) comes soon after star Abubakar Salim said that Raised by Wolves season 3 was in doubt, citing the recent Warner Bros. Discovery merger as a reason for it. «A lot of shows are not having their stories finished,» said Salim. In the lengthy thread, Salim also says that Scott Free is actively pursuing another home for the show. So, while HBO Max will not continue the story, it's possible it could continue at another streamer. Read his
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