WoW Classic Senior Game Producer, Josh Greenfield, recently stated that players will no longer be able to purchase Bloodstained Commendation with Massacre Coins once the next Season of Discovery patch drops on Tuesday, July 9th!
We'll have blue posts going up about this in the morning but anyone who is planning to snag bloodstained commendations using Massacre coins should do so now. After the 1.15.3 patch on Tuesday you will not be able to purchase them until they will return to the vendor on Thursday when the phase changes and the level cap increases, at which time they will use the new high level currency and have a new cost (25 copper slaughter coins) If you've been banking massacre coins, make sure to buy as many Bloodstained Commendations as you can right now before 1.15.3 drops on Tuesday (or Weds, depending on region).
Also reminder; you need 15 Honorable Kills next week to gain rank the following week (week of Jul 15th). Ranking up always requires actual kills of the other faction, regardless of how much honor you earn via blood moon.
Like I said, we've got a blue post coming about this tomorrow but wanted to give those a head's up here as well so they can start spreading the word. Thanks!
Josh Greenfield stated that there will be a Blue Post going over additional details on Monday morning, July 8th, but that he wanted to give players enough of a heads up before servers go down Tuesday morning for scheduled maintenance.