Prey, the new installment in the Predator franchise, looks set to outshine previous sequels. The latest Prey trailer, showing a predator hunting Naru, a Comanche warrior, promises an epic dose of fast-paced action. Set on the North American Great Plains in 1719, Prey stars Amber Midthunder, known for her roles in Legion and Roswell, New Mexico. Amber plays Naru, the skilled Comanche hunter seen in the video. She sets out to protect her people when danger threatens their camp.
By building this prequel story around a First Nation protagonist, director Dan Trachtenberg (10 Cloverfield Lane) takes the franchise back to its roots. Alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, the original 1987 Predator features Sonny Landham as Billy Sole, an American Indian tracker. Billy makes an unseen last stand after memorably cutting his chest with a hunting knife. Before that, he is the first to recognize the danger, saying, «There's something out there waiting for us. And it ain't no man. We're all gonna die.» Billy's death is unseen, but how he dies is revealed in the Predator novel. Intriguingly, and a potential point of contact with Prey, the book presents Billy as a psychic whose ancestors fought a predator.
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Prey already looks much better than previous sequels from the trailer alone because it is nailing what people want from the franchise. Naru hiding amongst the roots while first a gigantic bear and then a predator attack gives the same survival horror vibe that makes the original movie gripping. What's more, Prey updates the Predator franchise and builds on established lore with the new setting. Combining the 18th Century timeline and Comanche protagonist