has launched its first event focused on Mythical Island, with players tasked with hitting a big milestone in a relatively short period. It's a busy time for, with the launch of , its first-ever expansion. The new set contains almost 70 new cards (not including alternate art cards) and also adds a few potent card combinations. Now, players have a chance to test out how has improved their best decks with the launch of a brand-new event.
The new Mythical Island Emblem Event launched today and focuses on battling other players in solo battles. At stake are four emblems,with the highest emblem rewarded for winning 45 event battles throughout the event. Players can also complete various missions to get Pack Hourglasses and Shinedust rewards. According to datamine leaks, the new Emblem Event will be followed by an SP Emblem event that pushes players to achieve a winning streak of 5 wins or more. The Emblem Event will run from December 20th, 2024 to January 10th, 2025.
Similar to the Emblem Event, the new Emblem Event is singularly focused on collecting wins against human opponents. Players can access the event from the Versus Battle Menu, with only Event Matches counting towards collecting rewards.Players don't need to use a deck with cards to participate, although several of the current popular decks utilize the new cards in some way. Players aren't penalized for losses in the event, nor is there any kind of Event Stamina in the event.
The full list of missions and rewards is in the table below:
Participate in 1 versus battle
3 Pack Hourglasses
Participate in 3 versus battles
3 Pack Hourglasses
Participate in 5 versus battles
6 Pack Hourglasses
Participate in 10 versus battles
12 Pack Hourglasses
Win 1 versus battle
50 Shinedust
Win 3 versus battles
100 Shinedust
Win 5 versus battles
200 Shinedust
Win 10 versus battles
500 Shinedust
Win 25 versus battles
1,000 Shinedust
Win 50 versus battles
2,000 Shinedust
Win 1 Event Battle
Participation Emblem
Win 5
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