Getting a Perfect Parry in is a little difficult, particularly if you don’t know what you are looking for. There are multiple ways to get around or deal with the various enemies in the game, and it is important to understand how each of them work in order to get the most out of each cycle. Players will have to have fairly good timing in order to perform the Perfect Parry.
Characters in each have their own strengths and weaknesses. However, all of them have the same basic gameplay mechanics, andyou can level up and upgrade those skills over time. Your Perfect Parry is one of the things that will improve based on your upgrades, your gear, and the rest of your build in the game.
The timing is what you will have to get just right if you want to perform the Parry. It is difficult to get, and the best thing to do is continue to try until you get the rhythm down. However, you will want to press the “Parry” button right before an enemy hits you. As of now, I haven’t managed to perfect the art, but there are few things that I have noticed makes it easier:
Hyper Light Breaker enters early access this week, and though it plans to evolve before final release, the roguelite already has a lot of potential.
You will know you have succeeded if you manage to get a Stagger on your enemy. They will fall back a little, and you will be able to leap in and strike. Usually a prompt for a certain button will pop up on the enemy’s health bar if you have succeeded, and you can get an execution. Taking down an enemy will also get you more Bright Blood in .
This prompt can be hard to see if you aren’t looking for it or if you are surrounded by enemies. For me, it was the right bumper, but it is unclear whether that is always true or not.
This is tricky to get right, and I tend to prefer the Dash to get away from enemies. However, you can usually get more from the parry if you get it right. The Tier 2 upgrades from Pherus Bit can give you a host of bonuses to the Perfect Parry, but you will