Nobody comes up with zany games like George Fan. The creator of Plants vs. Zombies is launching a new one soon called Hardhat Wombat.
The PC puzzle platformer game from Fan’s All Yes Good game studio debuts on Steam on October 24. The premise is based on “the most interesting fact in the animal world,” Fan said in an exclusive interview with GamesBeat. “that wombats make cube-shaped feces.”
Hardhat Wombat has players take on the role of a wombat construction worker, whose primary building material is his own square poops. Don’t laugh too much at the wackiness.
Plants vs Zombies was a kind of cultural moment of wacky games when it debuted in 2009. It was a simple, addictive game that got harder and harder as zombies ate your plants and stormed your house. The game played a very big role in Electronic Arts deciding to buy PopCap Games for $650 million in 2011. The sequel, released in 2013, was been downloaded well over 25 million times.
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Rather than create a big company, Fan stepped back and focused on being an indie creator. He attended the Ludum Dare game jam in 2012. Under the rules, one person was supposed to design an entire game, from the gameplay to the art, in 48 hours. Fan came up with the idea for Octogeddon, but then spent the next four-plus years polishing it with a team of four people.
The game, where you had to stop a monstrous octopus from taking over a city, came out in 2018 and I gave it a glowing review. But the game didn’t do as well as Plants vs. Zombies, and Fan had to rack his “brainz” to figure