In order for your metropolis to thrive in Cities: Skylines 2 you will need to fulfill the requirements of the diverse zones you set out. As you progress and level up your city, you will start to notice that additional buildings and businesses demand more educated workers.
If you do not have workers with the proper education level living in your town, you risk businesses going under and buildings ending up abandoned. Educated Cims also allows to you upgrade your buildings and make improvements in your city as time goes on. There are numerous facilities that you can construct to help educate your population in Cities: Skylines 2, and each one provides different benefits.
Related: Best PC Settings For Cities: Skylines 2
If you are getting the Not Enough Educated Workers notification in Cities: Skylines 2 then you’ll need to start teaching more people in your city. My best recommendation is for you to take a look at the Education & Research section on the HUD game bar. This is where you can construct various buildings that will make the education level of your population rise.
From this menu, you have the option to place facilities like an elementary school, high school, college, university, library, and more. These buildings will become available as you progress through Milestones in Cities: Skylines 2 and increase your population. If you have the correct learning facilities, you will eventually get more educated workers that can help boost your economy – otherwise, you’ll be stuck looking for different ways to make money, such as exporting resources.
The Education & Research menu is also a great way to get an overview of the